Military discounts - Integrous Fences and Decks

Military discounts

Discounts for military members is our way of saying thank you for your service to us and our country!

The Integrous family is grateful to those that have served and those that are currently serving our country every day, making it possible for us to go about our lives in safety and freedom!

Thank you to all past and active military who have put their own lives at risk to make America a safer and better place for all of us. We give back to our military with a discount on their projects. Thank you for your sacrifice and bravery. We are grateful. 

If you are an active or retired military member, please talk to one of our salespeople and we will be happy to give you a discount on your upcoming project with us!

From all of us at Integrous, thank you. Thank you for the incredible service and sacrifice to us and our country. We are in debt to you and your families for all that you have given so that we can have so much in this wonderful place we call home. We look forward to serving you!