The Quintalino family lives in a newer development near Denver, PA. With two young kids, they were looking to make their backyard a more enjoyable space to enjoy together—rain or shine.
Our biggest challenge was building a covered deck that didn’t clash with the Quintalino’s bump-out breakfast room. We presented several iterations to land on a final design that complemented the existing a-frame. (In the end, we found that a shed-style roof looked better than a second, larger a-frame.)
We helped the Quintalinos choose features and materials that gave their space the warm, homey feel they’d envisioned. A big part of that was the large fireplace and gas fire table. For the fireplace’s mantle, we sourced and fitted a vintage barn beam.
The decking is TimberTech in dark cocoa.
This project also involved a good bit of stonework using ProVia limestone veneer.
From start to finish, construction took two weeks.