Backyard Oasis - Lancaster City, PA - Integrous Fences and Decks
The Fence Experts is now Integrous Fences and Decks.

New name, same service.

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image of a backyard in lancaster city pa built by integrous fences and decks featuring two cedar pergolas multiple decks and beautifully designed landscaping

Backyard Oasis – Lancaster City, PA

Project #110

More Details Coming Soon

420 Squ Ft Of Decks

12’x12′ Cedar Pergola

10’x5′ Cedar Pergola

TimberTech Decking In Coastline With Dark Hickory Border

Westbury C10 Black Aluminum Railing

120 Linear Feet Of Red Cedar Fence

  • Deck Material:
    TimberTech Coastline And Dark Hickory
  • Deck color:
    Coastline, Dark Hickory
  • Deck size:
    12x12  |  420ft2
  • Deck price range:

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The Fence Experts is now Integrous Fences and Decks.

New name, same service.

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